Simple Task Tracker Notion Template


Simplify your task management with this Notion template

If you’re looking to graduate from a to-do list to a more robust digital system, this Notion template is for you. You can prioritize tasks, assign them to projects, add due dates, delegate them to someone else, and add task notes. Whenever you make a change, your Task Stats dashboards will update in real time.

I designed this to be super easy to use, so you can just focus on tracking and checking off your tasks. Here’s what’s included:

TASK DATABASE: Add in new tasks and assign a category, priority, and due date. Want to delegate a task? Assign it to someone else right from the task table. This table includes a range of views to help you get a glance at your tasks due today, this week, or overdue. All of your tasks (incomplete and complete) are visible in the “All Tasks” view.

TASK CALENDAR: Quickly look at your incomplete tasks by due date. Check them off, and they’ll disappear from the task calendar.

TASK STATS DASHBOARD: Every time you log in, you’ll be able to get a quick look at your tasks stats, including how many tasks are incomplete, how many tasks are due today, and how many are overdue.

TASK BREAKDOWN DASHBOARD: Quickly see how your tasks break down by priority, category, and who they’ve been delegated to.

VIDEO WALKTHROUGH: Get a quick tour of the task tracker so you can start using it immediately!

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