Content Calendar Creator - Notion Template: A Month's Worth of Content Ideas in 15 Minutes


HOW TO COME UP WITH A MONTH'S WORTH OF CONTENT IDEAS IN 15 MINUTES...(so that you can be consistently visible to your ideal clients…without wasting hours staring at a blinking cursor, waiting for brilliant ideas to pop into your head, or giving up on content until “inspiration strikes” again…)

Watch the demo 👉

You tell yourself you’ll create content, but then it takes hours to come up with ideas… and then more time to actually create it. 

Between client work and life — it ends up falling to the bottom of your to do list. 

So you say you’ll do it tomorrow. Again and again. 

The worst part is, it's always at the back of your mind, making you feel like you're falling behind. You know you need to be visible, but it takes so much time…

I know what it’s like…

  • Trying to balance content creation with (revenue-generating) client work. Usually client work wins, and content creation becomes an “I’ll do it later this week” task…

  • Which results in relying too much on referrals instead of having a consistent flow of inbound leads…

So I decided to solve this problem, once and for all.

I had been practicing content marketing for a while (and helped companies like Digioh grow qualified inbound leads by 300% YoY) and to top it off, I spent hours researching the content strategies of leading coaches and consultants. I distilled all my learnings into The 6 Pillars of Profitable Content

I put it together into a simple system and now…

I can sit down and before I get distracted or pulled in another direction, I’ll have a packed content calendar for the month. And it’s content that I’m excited to create. 

Imagine if you could sit down, and 15 minutes later have your very own content planned out for the entire month…

Imagine being able to create content that gets you in front of your ideal audience on a regular basis, while still having plenty of time to work with your existing clients…

Imagine being so much more productive, because you’ve eliminated the blank page stage, or the “What should I talk about today?” question…

This is all possible, starting today.



A Notion template that helps you come up with a month’s worth of content ideas in 15 minutes...(specifically designed for coaches, consultants and service providers who want to get visible in 2024)

You’ll be able to:

  • Simplify your content creation process so you can stay consistent and be visible to your perfect-fit clients 

  • Generate unlimited content ideas that are unique to your business (no cookie-cutter templates that make you sound like everyone else)

  • Create content that helps you sell without being salesy (by ensuring it fits into one of the 6 pillars of profitable content)

  • Spend a fraction of the time on thinking about and creating content

  • Plan your month in advance, so you always know what to create and when (no more blank-page syndrome)

  • Capture new and inspiring ideas in one place (which you can use to come with even more content ideas)


Evergreen Client & Business Questionnaire

Follow the prompts and answer as many questions as you can about your client, business, areas of expertise, and more. Your responses are used in the content calendar generator to help you create content that is completely unique to your business and ideal client. Add in or edit your responses at any time.

The 6 Pillars of Profitable Content 

Each of these pillars makes it easy to  create content that gets your audience excited about you and your business, without being icky or pushy. Use a variety of pillars to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.

Gotta Look Hooks (+ChatGPT Cheats)

Layer one of these hooks onto your ideas to create content that gets noticed by the right people. The template includes 58 hooks, but you can easily add your own hook swipes so you never run out of ways to stop the scroll. NEW: I added in a ChatGPT prompt that will generate 20 more scroll-stopping hook ideas for each of your content ideas!

Click & Comment CTAs

Whether you want comments, shares, clicks or DMs, these CTAs will help you get there. Have your own favorite CTAs? Just add them in.

Monthly Content Calendar Creator

Choose among the six pillars, sub-angles, topics, content types, hooks, CTAs and more. With so many options, the content ideas are almost limitless. 


You could keep doing what you’re currently doing, or you could grab the CCC now,  answer a few questions in the Client and Business Questionnaire, and start generating new content ideas. Even if you just generate a week’s worth of content ideas to start, you’ll already be ahead. And if you take some more time and answer the questions thoroughly, you’ll have no trouble generating content ideas for months to come. 


I already have your Notion content planner, how does this system work with it?

You can either use this as a standalone planner and calendar OR you can use it to come up with content ideas + outlines that you can add to a separate content planner. Either way works great!

What kind of support can I expect if I get stuck?

You can email me anytime, and I’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days (usually faster).

Can I share this with other people?

Please don’t. This is for your use only (for your work and any client work you may do). I spent a lot of time putting it together, and I priced it so that anyone who needs it can purchase a copy. 

I don’t have a real content strategy, will this work for me?

This will help you be strategic with your content, so you don’t need to have an existing content strategy in place.

Are you planning on releasing additional products that work with this system in the future? 

If you like this product, please tell me and I will definitely create more products that work with it! 

Have another question that hasn't been answered?

Send me a message on LinkedIn and I'll get back to you ASAP :).


You’re reading this because you want to get more visible but you’re sick of wasting precious time on content dead ends. Content creation is something you know you need to do, but you don’t want it to eat into your revenue-generating hours. 

Instead of another week of telling yourself this week will be different, you could get your copy of the CCC for Notion and minutes from now you could be filling it out and coming up with fresh content ideas that you can post over the coming weeks. Let’s get started!

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