Simple Client Tracker Notion Template


I do a lot of client work…

And while I love the work itself, I noticed that over the course of the week I often wasted time on:

  • Getting ready to do the work (“Where’s that ONE email?”)

  • Tracking invoices that hadn’t been paid yet

  • Inefficiently juggling multiple projects and tasks for different clients with different deadlines…

  • And other repetitive non-billable tasks

I knew there had to be a better way.

So, I thought, "Why not?" and went ahead and created my fifth Notion template – a Notion Client Tracker…

I’ve just begun using my brand-new template, and it's already saving me time.

Gone are the days of sifting through endless emails to find that one key email for my client’s GA4 implementation project. Now, everything's right there in my task tracker. Plus, I can jump into action immediately.

What’s even cooler? I jotted down some research notes and know EXACTLY where they’re stored for later use. 

Also, a quick glance lets me see all my tasks lined up for the week.

I can check a dashboard to see where my clients are coming from (shoutout to referrals!), and see which projects are in the pipeline… and keep tabs on unpaid invoices...

Very cool stuff...

So here's everything that's included in the Notion Client Tracker Template (Prefer a video walkthrough? Here you go:

CLIENTS DATABASE: Add clients and track key details like lead source, associated projects, business info, and more. Each client has their own page where you can get a quick look at their projects and tasks.

PROJECTS DATABASE: Add new projects and assign them to a client. Track the project/deal from first meeting to completed project (you can also customize the stages of the sales process). Document whether each project is a fixed-rate or hourly-rate project, and track the total project value. See which tasks are associated with each project.

TASKS DATABASE: Assign tasks and due dates so you can track them on the calendar and dashboards. Never miss another deadline.

DASHBOARDS: Get a bird’s-eye view of your tasks, understand your best lead sources, payment received (overall and by client), and track unpaid invoices.

MONTHLY & WEEKLY TASK CALENDAR: View your incomplete tasks by due date.

NOTES SECTION: Jot down quick notes or ideas.

VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS: Get a quick video intro to each of the features.

TL;DR: Ready to start wasting less time on non-billable activities (and generally make your life easier :)? Grab this template now.

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